Photographic Workshops
After 20 years photographing and publishing imagery of people I have decided to share my experience and passion in an ongoing workshop series. They are run in a very relaxed and non pressuring format and are open to people of all levels of experience.

The most recurring theme is about relationship and connecting with people with as little protective walls as possible. To me photography is like intimacy where photographer and subject connect at a very deep level. If one or both are not humble and free the connection will not in my opinion create the most empowering image.
Whilst my career has featured mostly aesthetically beautiful people I believe my success has been largely due to the energy of my images. I have always favoured truth over suggestion and much of what is covered at these events focuses on achieving this. I believe the most powerful image is one that exudes style, passion and grace.
I also believe that everything including architecture, automobiles and people have angles that are more flattering than others. Therefore no matter what my subject may be I am always looking to present the best aesthetic angles in my photograph. Once again the workshops include much discussion and demonstration with regards to this skill set.
Whilst I have not been professionally trained the workshops do cover many technical aspects. Lighting, camera settings and framing are all covered and discussed at length. Further to this much attention to detail in regards to wardrobe, location and shot concept is covered.
In general I believe a photographer has an enormous opportunity to inspire others with their work. To this end these workshops are very passionate about helping people to create images of high impact and passion.
Cost for the model workshops is between $80-110pp with participants limited to between 4-6 people. Also have a series of portrait workshops at $60 per head. These workshops can be found on
I also run private workshops with less participants that can be accessed either by contacting me direct or registering on the mailing list from this website.
The BEST shoot of my life. Tony, a magnificent soul with a healing presence, dissolved the walls I built in my heart, made me REVEAL my soul, my true essence in front of a camera for the first time.
We connected at a level of transparency, where we both shared our inner true selves with empathy, support and love. The shooting process became a therapy itself. We talked about traumas and healings, all the weird spiritual stuff, a shift of consciousness that is happening on the planet, and our shared purpose of being service to the humanity…
I commend Tony as a human being who remains authentic to himself, a beacon of light awakening people to the real beauty that lies in every single beings on this planet.
Thanks for the positive feedback Tony, it was a fantastic session with the group, it also helps having the likes of Kim Lawless to photograph. Your sessions always provide learning outcomes, via instruction, direction, posing and review of images taken. All part of the learning curve. It also helps that Tony knows how to inspire and lead photographers to constantly think about improving their images and refining the models pose to get that inspired look.
RJC Photography
Another great workshop, Tony! Anyone out there looking for a start in portrait photography or a veteran looking for a reboot on their way of doing things can't do better than taking one of his regular Creating Inspiring Portraits classes.
Ian Clark 2019
Tony as usual presents a elegant insight to the beauty of the female form. His relaxed and informative style of passing in his knowledge is his greatest asset. The beautiful manal only made Tony's task easier whilst also providing the models insight to the process. Thanks to both of you.
Martin March 2015
Tony was a great host and teacher, assisting when needed and offering his views for a better shot. The model was beautiful and a delight to work with. Would definitely attend another of Tony's workshops.
Domenico Nov 2014
Tony provides a great environment physically and emotionally to ensure your workshop is a creative, productive and learning experience. He has a wealth of practical knowledge both directing and taking photos that provides the base for him also being an effective educator. Attending these sessions he makes you aware that its not just about turning up with your camera and pushing a button. Its also about taking the time to understand how you are feeling and engaged in the session, because this will have a strong bearing on what you will be looking at when you flash those pics up on your computer screen much later after the session has ended. Without a model, the session would not have been complete and Manal ensured it was more than complete. Easy to direct, a warm gentle spirit and a natural beauty who turned our creative ideas into magic moments. Thank you Tony and Manal for another great learning experience.
Paul August 2014
Firstly, thanks very much for having me along to the recent workshop. I learned loads, and really enjoyed the opportunity to try some new techniques, and to interact with yourself and the other photographers. I wouldn't say I've mastered your methods just yet, but I did pick up a number of great things I'll apply as I shoot more. Looking for each persons best angle, and really trying to relax, take my mind off the technical for long enough to feel the shot, and the connection with the person I'm shooting.
Your delivery of the session was perfect , in that on top of the learnings, you made a point of engaging with each attendee. I felt like I was getting some special treatment, and it was appreciated. It was great value for money and I'd happily recommend the session to others.
Ryan May 2018
A wonderful session guided by the professional skills of Tony who as always, eeks out those little nuances of a hip pushed back, a chin pushed down and a rotation to get the best from the models for the photographers. A great group of togs who worked so well together and created a wonderful collaborative day.
Paul June 2017
You know what I love most about your work? It's that you have this ability to capture beauty, strength and sensuality in such a natural way. It never feels forced; too many artists try to "force sexy down your throat" so to speak, and while the models are beautiful, it doesn't feel 'real', if that makes sense. I love that you give these short backgrounds about your models, because it adds to the substance that is already expressed in your photos.
They way I feel when I view your work is really hard for me to describe, but what I can say without a doubt, is that your work really moves me.
Online comments from Vermithrax40 August 2016
The things I learnt from my photography workshop...
I thought I was going to a photography workshop to learn some technical skills. But to my surprise I learnt MUCH more than that. I learnt about the inherent beauty in all things. I learnt about being present. I learnt about the importance of empathy and communication with the subject. And I learnt about honesty and transparency in creating trust - the only way to capture a person’s essence and their energy in the picture. That's what separates a good picture from a great one. Can you tell that I'm loving it?
Jessica May 2016
Great workshop, really appreciated Tony's insights on portraiture. Not another technical workshop, but a wonderful workshop on the technique of to interact with the subject when doing portraits. Highly enjoyable and definitely recommended.
Eranda Nov 2015
Loved the recent post Tony and applaud all your sentiments. The work shop I did with you was one of the most fulfilling I have done and taught me so much. Probably the greatest lesson was your guidance on 'soul connection' with my subject and I reinforce this message with every model I work with, particularly the first timers.
I have attached an image from a recent shoot that reveals 'layers' this lady wasn't going to reveal, and it is one of my favorite that I have taken this year.
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.
Steve Sheddick July 2015
Hi Tony, hope you are well. I just wanted to thank you for all that you have taught me in your workshops. I am really connecting with the models i've been photographing and i'me getting their positive energy. I've dramatically improved in directing and most of the models i've photographed want to work with me on upcoming projects I have. Every time I talk photography I always discuss what I 've learnt from your workshops. I look forward to attending more of your workshops in the near future. Thank you so much once again. You are amazing at what you do.
Kind Regards Nancy. 9/7/2013
As usual the workshop was fun. Trent was great and Tony's way of conducting the workshops is unusual in a great way. He teaches you how to interact with the models, but more as to how to connect with them.
Sid 3/6/2013
Great workshop, highly recommended. Tony's personal, emotive style of sharing his knowledge and understanding puts models and students at ease. Very enjoyable.
Brett 27/4/2013
Great workshop led by Tony & with great people to work with. Highly recommend to all photographers
Nancy 8/5/13
Hi Tony
First of all, I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. I found it to be a very positive day and the way that you conducted the course removed any apprehension that I had about moving into a new area of photography. I even managed to get some good shots!
Michael 29/05/2013
This was the first of this type of workshop I have attended and I was a little apprehensive about the way it would all come together. Once we got into it and with Tony running the session it was all very comforable and yet highly informative. Thankyou again Tony for organising such a wonderful workshop. Your relaxed style but clear direction is a great credit to you. A fascinating insight into the the genre - it will be hard to top this but I'll be back in the future for more. Very highly recommended to anyone interested in lighing the female nude!
Bill Kitchen 7/7/2012
Thanks Tony for the great day, despite the rain. I learnt a lot and gained confidence in photographing people. Even from looking at the shot you took of me, the sutler changes in composition, lighting and most of all connecting with the subject, make a big difference in the outcome of the photo.
Barry June 30 2012
Hi Tony,
Thanks for a fantastic portrait workshop today and you really opened my eyes to directing the model, choosing the best shooting perspective, lighting and knowing when you got the energy in the photo. Truly inspiring
Much appreciated.
Simon 1/7/2012
HiYa Tony,
First off I just want to thank you for the Workshop on Saturday – It was absolutely mind-blowing!
I LOVED the way you ran the workshop with the build up from fully clothed outside, to complete nude inside the studio. It was a very comfortable feeling that just started at the start, and rolled smoothly the entire way. There was absolutely NOTHING sexual in any of the poses, photos, etc.
So, once again, thanks SO much for the workshop. I intend to to do everything I can to attend more, as I think I learnt more on Saturday than I have in the last 2 years.
Cheers, stay well, and stay safe,
Andrew April 2012
"I attended Tony's photography workshops to learn about lighting, composition and how to direct models. Whilst I did progress in all of these areas, the biggest take away for me was something much different and much more. What I learnt is the value and power of positive energy between the photographer and the model.
You can get the model in right environment, lighting and perfectly composed, but the picture will not work if the energy isn't right. I'm now very conscious of this in all my shots and I see it in many photos that look at.
Tony is a natural with people and also has an innate understanding of body and face positions. I recommend photographers of all levels to attend his workshops.
Frank" 2.3.2012
Hi Tony, hope your doing well, it has been a while since we spoke. I wanted to point out that I have been involved in in few photography workshops in Melbourne, some driven by money, and others driven by ego. Your workshops and very different. You provide an open workspace where photographers can create their own artworks. The relaxed atmosphere is a big part of this, it allows photographers of all levels to be involved. Keep up the great work, I’m sure your approach will see the your format continue and grow. Regards,
Larry Varley 14.6.2011
A fantastic afternoon of shooting and learning. We started with some theory on the energy projected by models which was very educational (and something that is not really taught by any classes) which basically separates a good image from a great image. Actually, it goes even further than that. It can turn a pretty ordinary image into a brilliant image just by the attitude of the model changing (which can even happen frame to frame).
All in all, it was fantastic working with Tony, I highly recommend checking his site out and if you're in Melbourne going to one of his workshops (they run every couple of weeks and are very reasonably priced).
Sam Dickinson Feb 2011
Tony, I wanted to say a huge thank you because doing your workshop was such an inspiration for me. I was quite flustered and nervous at the beginning of the workshop because I hadn't shot for 2 years and I wasn't feeling very confident but you really guided me through and made me feel comfortable. I couldn't believe the shots I got on the day. I thought, Wow I took those? I was so happy with them. I particularly enjoyed your advice and philosophies on photography, direction, working with people and the atmosphere of the shoot which I was never taught much about in University. The model on the day was very friendly and she came out so beautifully. I am now shooting regularly and feeling more inspired than ever. I'll be back again for some more workshops."
Kate Beckwith. 4/5/2011
I have done a number of these workshops and can not recommend them more highly. These sessions are done with the up most respect to the models and give you a great insight into lighting, line, shape and form.
You gain a good understanding of lighting and everyone gets an opportunity to direct the model and put forward their own ideas.
The whole workshop is done in a very relaxed atmosphere and Tony is always there to help out in anyway he can.
Tony's sessions are a lot more about capturing the spirit of a person rather than the outer shell, and he is very good at making the models true self bubble to the surface.
Michael Sept 2010
"OK…so this is a slight departure from my regular genre!!! Last weekend (16/5/09) I attended one of Tony Ryan’s EMPOWERED BEAUTY Workshops. I went with a very ‘academic’ approach: I was expecting to learn. However, what I wasn’t expecting was to hear truths about human connection perfectly articulated by an astonishingly kind & humble man and the opportunity to explore those truths with such a beautiful, giving and sensitive soul as Claire
It was an enriching photographic and life experience that I highly recommend."
"I attended my first Empowered Beauty workshop with Tony Ryan, going in with open mind and open eyes….to hear Tony talk prior to the first photo, about what its all about..the connection with the model, getting them in the moment, hearing his unwavering passion not only for photography but capturing people in all the natural beauty that they have. I was so inspired by this I could have walked away then and learnt more in 20 mins than I had in the previous 15 years clicking the shutter on my camera.
Tony’s assistance in positioning the model(s), getting them to be at ease with you, …waiting for that "moment" when you are into the shot and when you capture will feel it both from a photography point of view but as a person, you have created something magical, a moment in time where two people connected on the one idea. An understanding of light, the look of the model, but more importantly learning how to connect with the model
The workshop is more about photography, more about artistic nude photography.its about learning to connect with people, learning to direct someone, letting that person feel totally comfortable with you, it was the most amazing experience and truly one I will never forget.
It had me totally "empowered" into photography again, it was like I had taken my first photo, it truly was a experience, one that should be had, a big thank you Tony, for showing me what true passion in photography as all about and I am looking forward to the next workshop that I attend. It was without question a "life" lesson more than just a photography workshop"
Gavin Male
Being mainly a family portrait photographer I found this workshop to be an absolutely wonderful experience as it is the first time I have had a chance to do this kind of work! Would definitely do the workshop again and recommend it to anyone
Sarah Ross
This is a fantastic workshop to attend, Tony Speaks of his experience & ideas on photography. This reaches into so many aspects of life. It was great to hear someone pull so many things into clarity. Tony’s professionalism & ethics shine through, and he teaches many aspects of connecting with & posing the models. Thank you
Wayne / Biggzie